Monday, August 23, 2010

Catching Up

Dear Vinny,

I am so embarassed that I have not written to you in more than a year.  So much has happened over this time that I hardly know where to begin!

You are now almost four years old.  Last September and part of October we went on a long trip to the Black Hills and Nebraska.  While we were in Nebraska we went to every single children's museum in the state.  Your favorite, which you still talk about, was the one in Omaha.  It had a great big room with a Rube Goldberg-like machine that transported balls up to a bin at the ceiling in various ways -- using a crank, pneumatically, with a vacuum, etc.  Then, periodically, a siren would go off, the bin would open up, and all the balls would fall back down to the floor.  You often ask to go to the "ball room" in "Beraska" still!

I got a Roomba for Christmas and you love using it.  You help me to clean it and clear the floors of obstacles before we run it.  You call it "robot vacuum."  When it starts running, you enjoy watching it and screaming and getting out of the way of it.

You've been potty trained for 10 months.  That was a big deal and we were all so proud of you when it happened.  After that you were able to start school at the local Montessori school.  You love it there.  You have such fantastic teachers, Miss Mandy and Miss Candie.  And you've made a lot of friends.  Your best friend this past year was Catherine, whose daddy has become good friends with your daddy.

I will try to fill in some of the blanks over the past year but more importantly keep up with this better.  I love you sweet boy!


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