Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Your Second Christmas

Dear Vinny,

Today was your second Christmas. I think you enjoyed it more than the first one. Last year you were sick. This year, you felt fine. But I think there were some new frustrations.

You don't quite understand how the Christmas present concept works. I would help you open up the wrapping paper, and you could see the present inside. You'd be excited about the present, but at the same time you would feel frustrated, because you couldn't get to it. So I'd help you remove all the wrapping paper, and then Daddy would take the box away and open it, which was frustrating because you wanted the present that we'd finally opened but you had to wait. Then, you would get mad because we would take that present away and make you open the next one.

But all in all, you got a lot of good stuff. Granny and Granddad gave you a tricycle, even though you're still too small for it and lack the motor skills to use it. They also gave you quite a few Little People sets, and a couple of books. Mommy and Daddy gave you a bunch of books and more Little People stuff. We also got you a remote-controlled car, but it doesn't work yet because we didn't have the right batteries for it. We'll get them when we next go out.

The three of us enjoyed Christmas dinner together: Mommy and Daddy had turkey tetrazzini, while you had some delicious crackers and fruit. You don't seem to care for meat, even though I kept trying to disguise it under your oatmeal. You would find it and pull it out of your mouth.

I think that maybe next year, you will understand what's going on a little bit better and enjoy Christmas even more. I certainly enjoyed this year's holiday with you and I'm looking forward to next year!


Sunday, December 23, 2007

Holiday Fun with Tia and Uncle Furry

Dear Vinny,

On Saturday, Tia and Uncle came over to celebrate an early Christmas with us. Daddy made the adults some beef barbecue, and you had a lot of fruit and crackers.

We had a good time watching you open your presents. You didn't quite understand how the present thing works. We provided you with positive reinforcement when you did an action that helped progress towards the present being opened, to encourage you to open the presents. Tia had given you some toys in a bag with tissue paper, so we applauded when you pulled a piece of tissue paper out. After the paper was all gone, the bag was on its side, and you got down on your belly and looked inside the bag. It was cute and we laughed. You got some little cars and a giraffe on wheels with a clear plastic belly with flowers in it. It sounds strange, but you have two of the other animals in the collection and you enjoy them. Tia and Uncle also gave you some pajamas, but you were the most excited about the toys.

You are such a sweet baby and I know that Tia and Uncle Furry love you very much!


Monday, December 17, 2007


Dear Vinny,

Granny and Granddad came for a visit over the weekend. They arrived really late on Friday night, after you were already in bed. But they got to see you on Saturday morning after they got up! Granny spent a lot of time doting on you, as did Granddad. But Granddad and Daddy went out to get a Christmas tree while Granny and I stayed home with you.

Granny has a special way with you. She can charm you and make you laugh like no one else can. Granddad is amazing with you too.

Granddad and Daddy picked out a beautiful Frasier fur for the Christmas tree, and Daddy decorated it with lights. You were pretty enthralled by the Christmas tree, and the lights in particular. You tried to eat some of the needles off the tree, but I kept you from eating them.

We gave Granny and Granddad personalized gifts made from your photographs: a tie for Granddad, with little one-inch pictures of you all over it, and a fleece blanket for Granny, with a picture of you from Halloween. We also gave Granddad a framed picture of you in a Santa hat. They loved their gifts. I know that they would want to be with you more often if they could. It's too bad that they live so far away.

Granny and Granddad left on Sunday, and you cried when they left. That was the first time you'd ever cried when somebody other than Mommy or Daddy left. But, they left behind a big pile of presents for you, sitting under the tree and waiting to be opened.


Friday, December 14, 2007


Dear Vinny,

You have been teething lately. You already have twelve teeth fully in; now, we suspect you are getting your canines. It has been painful enough that it has awakened you during naps or in the night. You wake up screaming and it takes 30 minutes before you're calm enough to resume normal activities.

You've developed an interesting (and adorable) pouty face: you purse your lips as if to make the "oooo" sound, and squish up your face. It is cute and quite humorous, so it may not elicit exactly the same reaction in us that you're looking for.

Something else you've started doing is teasing me with your food. You'll offer me a goldfish cracker (for example) and then pull it away when I'm about to eat it. You think that this is absolutely hilarious. I play along and call you a little rascal and tickle your belly.

I think you have grown a lot, too. You seem a lot heavier when I hold you in my right arm. Also, your sleepers are smaller on you. They used to be way too big, but now they are just about the right size. Some of that could be the fact that they've been through the washer and dryer a few times, but I really do think you have grown quite a bit. You've certainly been eating as if you're growing a lot.

This past weekend, I introduced you to Triscuits. You seem to really like them, even though they don't taste that great to my adult tastebuds. But as long as you like them, I'm happy.

We also introduced you to oranges. I had erroneously believed that you couldn't have citrus fruits until you were two years old, but reliable sources said it was okay to introduce citrus at age one. So I peeled a clementine, and let you have the inside of one of the sections. You didn't appear to be allergic, so I think we'll keep on letting you eat oranges, because you definitely enjoyed the delicious flavor!


Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Grape Strides

Dear Vinny,

Since you are a big fan of fruit, we decided to give you some grapes. Grapes can be dangerous for a baby to eat, but Daddy cut them up into little pieces.

You loved the grapes! You ate them with great enthusiasm, and voiced your enjoyment by saying "Mmmmmm."


Saturday, December 01, 2007

Vinny Appleseed

Dear Vinny,

You are an avid fan of fruit. You loved your first taste of prunes, and you've loved any kind of fruit you've gotten your hands on. You've tried peaches, pears, apricots, and apples, and you've had grapes in the form of grape juice. A couple of weeks ago, when I was making baked apples, I let you try a piece of raw apple. It was a very thin shaving from the interior of the apple. You were crazy about it so I gave you some more.

Well, you can now identify an apple on sight, and you go absolutely crazy when I begin to eat one. Last weekend, I was eating an apple while you were sitting on my lap, and you were really interested in it. So at first I pulled off some chunks and fed them to you, but that was not enough for you. I let you bite some apple off the core for himself, and you loved that! I ate the entire outside of the apple, but you ate most of the (edible) interior.

Today, I got an apple from the bowl of fruit and you looked at me with excitement. You were very impatient as I washed it off, and you immediately wanted to bite into it yourself. But I told you that I had to eat the peel layer, but that you could eat from the interior. We sat down together and you immediately grabbed the wrist of the hand I was using to hold the apple with both your little hands. You tried to pull it towards yourself, and I had to move my head forward to sneak in a bite before you brought the apple to your own mouth. I turned it around to a part where you could eat, and let you take a bite. Periodically, when your mouth was sufficiently full, you would loosen your grip on my wrist and deign to allow me a bite of the apple. But when you wanted more, you pulled it right back!

I am glad that you are such an avid fruit eater, and I really enjoy sharing food with you!
