Thursday, May 31, 2007


Dear Vinny,

Today Daddy bought you a stacking toy. It has rainbow-colored donuts that stack on a spindle. When I got it out of the packaging, you were absolutely fascinated. You picked up the donuts and examined them closely. At one point you took two donuts in your hands and banged them together. You first banged two objects together over the weekend. So you are learning new skills.

You haven't started crawling yet, although Daddy reported yesterday that you moved your walker forward all on your own! And sometimes, I think you kind of crawl backwards, although not very far and probably not on purpose.

You've held up well to the heat the past few days when the air conditioning has been out. We've just dressed you more lightly and that has helped.

For a while, you had kind of stopped doing your cute geek laugh, but these past few days you've been geeking out a lot. It is still incredibly cute and makes us laugh!


Monday, May 28, 2007

Weekend of Fun

Dear Vinny,

This weekend, we have been very busy. On Friday, I had the day off and we mostly just relaxed. We went to Home Depot in the afternoon, where one of the employees was entranced by you and spoke in his native tongue to you. I couldn't tell if he was African or Haitian, but he spoke French to you.

On Saturday, we had the annual neighborhood picnic. You are quite the people-watcher, so I carried you around from person-to-person, and you talked with them all. Marilyn from down the street, and our hostess Marty wanted to hold you, so you graciously agreed to be held and charmed them with your big smile.

On Sunday, Tia and Uncle came over for dinner. Before they came, you and I went to Kroger and did some major grocery shopping. I carried you in the sling, and you seemed to think that was okay, although you were kind of tired and by the end you were getting cranky. Daddy cooked a big meal for the adults, and you had peaches. You seem to like peaches, although the first time you tried them you didn't know quite what to make of them. We have also given you some prune juice, because you don't poop as often as you should.

Today, we have once again spent most of the day relaxing and playing with you. You are a joy to be with, as usual!


Saturday, May 19, 2007

A Perfect Day

Dear Vinny,

This morning, we had a pancake breakfast with Granny and Granddad. You sat in your high chair and had your bottle while we enjoyed our pancakes.

After Granny and Granddad left, we went to the park and had a picnic lunch. We sat on a blanket under a tree, by the lake. The weather was beautiful. You played with some toys, and Daddy took a bunch of pictures of you and also drew a portrait of you and me. Then you and I headed over to the playground and I got you into a swing. I pushed you and as you began to swing, you loved it. You smiled broadly and you giggled as you saw me getting closer and farther.

Then, we went home and you and I took a long nap. I cradled you in my arms and you slept soundly for more than two hours. You woke up when Daddy was just about finished making dinner. We went into the dining room, and you enjoyed some peas while Mommy and Daddy had their dinners.

During dinner, we realized that you didn't really know how to chew. So Daddy made some exaggerated chewing motions, and you imitated him. Daddy chewed a cheerio, and then he gave you a small piece and you chewed it (or at least you tried to). I think that it was more successful than previous times when we've given you cheerios to eat.

You're not crawling yet, but I think you are such an easy-going little guy that you're not impatient for change. You do get into the crawling position and rock, but you haven't really connected that to movement yet. We continue to put things slightly out of your reach, to see if it will tempt you to crawl.

Thank you for being such a sweet baby, and having such a good day with us!



Dear Vinny,

On Thursday, Granny and Granddad came down for a visit. They came to see you, of course. Daddy had bought a computer for Granddad, and before they left, Daddy filled it up with pictures of you.

Granny was really happy to see you. It was hard for me to get a chance to hold you after I came home from work on Thursday and Friday. But I am always glad that your grandparents love you so much.

On Wednesday, you had a "Helen Keller" moment, when you realized that you could wave. Interestingly, you had this moment while you had your arm horizontal, with the back of your hand on your chin. So you put your hand on your chin and wiggle your fingers, and that's your wave. It's kind of strange, but incredibly cute!

Last night, your seventh tooth began coming in. It's on the bottom left, next to your middle teeth that are already in. It's hard to believe that you're getting even more teeth. You'll be ready for that pork chop in no time!


Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Party Weekend

Dear Vinny,

This past weekend, you were very busy. As I said before, Saturday was busy with Amelia's birthday and going out to dinner with Tia and Uncle. But then, on Sunday, we went for a pool party with Amelia and her family. Amelia's grandma had a wading pool, which she filled with water. At first, you were unhappy about the pool, because you thought it was a bath. But I gradually got you accustomed to it, and by the end you were content to be sitting in the pool all on your own.

After your swim, we sat in the neighbor's screened-in porch and had some dinner. You fell asleep on my lap. Amelia's parents were amazed that you would just fall asleep like that.

You continue to be a happy and adorable baby, and Mommy and Daddy love you so much!


Sunday, May 13, 2007

Talk and Crawl

Dear Vinny,

You are growing fast. Recently, you have been jabbering a lot. You say "ma-ma-ma-ma-da-da-da-ba-ba" and similar strings of syllables. I am amazed by how verbal you have become.

This morning, I think you signed for a bottle. You squeezed your hand into a fist, just like we do every time we give you a bottle.

You are also getting ready to crawl. On Tuesday, Daddy reported that you crawled backwards very slowly. You readily get into the crawling position (on your hands and knees), but you haven't really put it all together yet. But it is a matter of time before you are mobile, and Mommy and Daddy need to prepare for that!


Party Boy

Dear Vinny,

Yesterday was a big day. It was Amelia's first birthday, so we went to her grandmother's house next door for the party.

You were the youngest baby there. Unlike the rest of the children, you are not yet mobile, so you contented yourself by sitting on the floor and watching everyone. You are quite the people watcher.

Then, that evening, we went out to dinner with Tia and Uncle to celebrate Mother's Day. You sat at the table with us, on a portable high chair that used to be Byron's. You watched all the people in the restaurant, and you ate some prunes during dinner. But most of the time, you jabbered a lot. I think you were really enjoying yourself.

After dinner, we went over to Tia and Uncle's house, and you had fun with Tia. But then you got kind of sleepy and we took you home. You fell asleep in the car and we put you to bed in your crib, where you slept until morning.


Saturday, May 05, 2007

Seven Months!

Dear Vinny,

Today you are seven months old. It is amazing to think about how tiny you were when you were born, compared to your size now. You weren't even eight pounds seven months ago, yet you must be over twenty by now!

On Friday, Daddy fed you some prunes for the first time. You loved them! You grabbed the spoon out of Daddy's hand and made quite a mess with the prunes. We are still finding prunes everywhere on you, from that time and from the day after, when I fed you some more prunes. There's a smudge of prunes behind your ear, and on the calf of your leg, and on your right eyelid... prunes everywhere!

Your top four teeth are all coming in at once. I'm not sure why they all decided to come in at the same time, but they've broken through the gums, finally. You are also getting better and better at sitting up on your own. Your balance is improving and you haven't done any face plants recently.

We continue to enjoy watching you grow and change. I love you, little boy!
