Monday, September 24, 2007

Wedding Travel

Dear Vinny,

This weekend, we went to Evansville, Indiana, for your bonus aunt's wedding. We stayed overnight with Mommy's Uncle Grant and Aunt Jean, whom you'd met at the family reunion last month.

You were a big hit at the wedding. Your bonus aunt Kristin was amazed by how sweet you were, and happy to be there. The minister who officiated at the wedding was completely smitten with you. And Aunt Laura enjoyed the chance to spend more time with you, as did Grandpa and Grandma (of course!).

You and I danced together after dinner. I threw you up in the air and you loved it. We also slow danced, cheek-to-cheek, which I really enjoyed. Grandma and Grandpa danced with you too.

The next morning at breakfast, you became acquainted with Uncle Grant and Aunt Jean's dog, Chica. You've never really been around pets very much, because Mommy is allergic to them. But you were surprisingly gentle to Chica, and you fed her some of your cheerios. When she licked your fingers it made you giggle. Something you hadn't yet figured out was that when you're feeding somebody, you have to let go of the food so they can get it. And at one point, you changed your mind and popped a doggy-spit-covered cheerio into your own mouth. Yuck!

For lunch, we went to a Mexican restaurant. You sat in a very colorful wooden high chair supplied by the restaurant. Daddy ordered you your own bowl of frijoles, which you quickly ate, and still wanted more. So Daddy fed you some of his refried beans, too.

On the way home, you got a little fussy because you were hungry. But we stopped and bought you some whole milk, and you drank an entire pint on your own, and you soon settled down.

Thank you for being such a good traveler!


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Parental Birthdays

Dear Vinny,

On Saturday, Tia and Uncle came over. Tia was so happy to see you, because she hadn't seen you in over a month. First, you hung out with Daddy and Uncle, while Tia and Mommy went out. Then, we all had dinner, and after dinner, you spent time with Tia and Mommy until Mommy finally put you to bed.

On Sunday, we went out to dinner for Daddy's birthday. You sat in your portable high chair on a booth seat, and ate your dinner. Unfortunately, you gagged on a piece of hamburger and puked up most of your dinner. But other than that, you enjoyed going out to dinner with Mommy and Daddy.

After dinner, we gave Daddy his presents. You gave him a 500 GB external hard drive and a card that you had signed. I also gave him some gifts, and you helped him open the packages.

On Monday evening, we ate dinner out on the deck as the sun was setting. I had lit a citronella candle, and you were fascinated by the flame. You wanted to touch it, but I kept the candle safely out of your reach.

On Tuesday evening, we celebrated my birthday. First, Daddy presented me with a picture that you had drawn for me. It was very beautiful and if there is space for it, I will try to hang it in my office. Then, we went out to dinner and Daddy and I both had burgers made of different meats, with french fries. Daddy let you eat some of his fries. You were really fascinated by dipping them in ketchup, although you didn't seem to like the taste of it very much. But you were beginning to understand that you can use your front teeth to bite off pieces of food. You were starting to be able to do that with the french fries. I was very pleased that you were beginning to catch on to that!

Your teeth had been bothering you before but they seem to be lessening up somewhat. I am glad because this means you are more cheerful and I enjoy seeing you so happy!


Friday, September 14, 2007

Teething, Growing, and Eating

Dear Vinny,

You have been teething a lot lately. Your molars are cutting through some more. They were all peeking through a little, but now the bottom ones are all the way out through your gums.

The teething has been so painful that you woke up one night in the middle of the night, screaming in pain. Daddy calmed you down, gave you some tylenol and orajel, and put you back to bed. But you were kind of cranky for the next day or so after that.

On a happier note, we think that your head has recently grown a lot, because for the past week or two, it has been really hard to get your shirts over your head! You must have a very big brain, I'd say!

You really enjoy it when I rub my finger up and down across my lips, as I talk. You think that is one of the funniest things ever. You try to do it yourself, but instead of using your finger, you do it with your wrist. It is quite hysterical to watch, and very cute.

Tonight, for the first time, we fed you the same food that we were having for dinner. Usually we are eating something that you can't have yet, but tonight, we took a piece of the pork and some of the barley and ground it up for you. You really liked it. You were also really thirsty at dinner and you drank two cups of milk.

Your birthday is coming up soon. Since your favorite food is refried beans, we decided to have a Mexican-themed birthday party for you. I talked to Tia and she's going to make the food for it. Granny and Granddad, and Grandma and Grandpa are coming, and I know it will be a lot of fun!


Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Eleven Months!

Dear Vinny,

Today you are eleven months old! It is hard to believe that you are nearly one year old, but you are. Although, if I think back, a lot has changed in you since you were born.

Lately, you've been pulling up a lot. If there's anything vaguely vertical, you will grab onto it and hoist yourself up on your feet. Sometimes you cruise, taking a few steps while holding onto the couch or the outside of your crib, for example, but it kind of freaks you out and you start screaming. But I don't think it will be long before you start walking.

Another thing is that you've recently realized that you need to take the binky out before you try to put food in your mouth. Before, you would just try to stick food in, and get kind of bewildered when it didn't work. Unfortunately, you've also used this new-found realization to remove the binky before trying to bite Mommy or Daddy, which is not so cool.

You've been biting a lot because you're teething. You now have twelve teeth: four teeth in the front on the top, four more on the bottom, and then one molar on each side, for a total of twelve. I think those molars really hurt, because you were pretty cranky when they were pushing through.

Your babbling is becoming more refined. It almost sounds like words, but they're not words that we can really understand. You've also completely discontinued the use of bottles; now you get all your juice and milk from sippy cups. You're eating a lot of new baby foods that Daddy has bought for you, such as oatmeal with cinnamon applesauce and turkey dinner.

Your crawling is getting much better and much faster. You are also very curious, especially about fans and vents. You love the feeling of wind blowing through your hair. Daddy left you in your room while he was taking a shower, and returned to see that you had removed the vent and dropped some toys down the duct! You've also pulled the box fan over on several occasions. Luckily, Daddy has the foresight to turn it off before you look at it, because you enjoy sticking your fingers in it.

You still have a contagious laugh and a winning smile. You charm everyone you meet. The Friday before last, we went out to dinner with my new boss and his family, and you charmed everyone at the table. Even his eight and twelve-year-old sons succumbed to your power. And my friend Jodi from Illinois and her two sons came to visit over Labor Day weekend, and they just loved you. You even brighten the day of complete strangers. At every restaurant we went to, patrons at neighboring tables were cheered up by your flirtations. You are an incredibly charismatic little boy!
