Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Visiting Family

Dear Vinny,

This past weekend Daddy took you to visit Granny and Granddad. I think you all really had a good time.

You're becoming more and more verbal, and it's really exciting. You've learned that words get you somewhere. Over the weekend, you and Daddy were sleeping in the same room (Daddy in the bed, you in the Pack-n-Play). Daddy told me that he was awakened on Saturday morning by you, standing in your crib, staring at him, and reciting all the words you know for food. Daddy got the hint, fed you, and all was well.

You've also learned to say the word "no." Your first negative word was "Ning-ning," which meant that you were unhappy. That morphed into "nay-nay," and it's now "no-no."

You're learning even more body parts: you can identify your tongue, arm, and knee in addition to your mouth, nose, eyes, and ears.

I missed you a lot while you were gone, but I was glad that Granny and Granddad got a chance to see their wonderful grandson!


Saturday, February 09, 2008

Sixteen Months!

Dear Vinny,

On Tuesday, you turned sixteen months. Unfortunately, I have been under the weather and unable to write much until now.

You've been learning a lot more words. For "milk," you hear only the final consonant and call it "k" (like you did with "light"). You know your nose, mouth, ears, and eyes pretty consistently if we ask you where they are. You think most four-legged creatures are dogs, and that they all say "oof" (that's "woof" without the w).

Last night when you and I were playing together, you peered between the handle and main body of your toy "workbench" and saw me. This was possibly the most hilarious thing ever. You then got a huge kick out of it when I poked my finger through there and beeped your nose.

You're not walking yet, but I think that you will do it soon. You enjoy jumping in your bouncy chair, cruising around the room, and dancing. You're good at walking if we hold your hand or if you're holding onto something.

You continue to be a very cheerful and happy boy. So far you have not succumbed to my illness, and I hope for your sake that you don't!


Saturday, February 02, 2008

Words and More Words

Dear Vinny,

You are learning more and more words every day. You've already mastered "Mama," "Dada," and "up" (which actually means "change position" -- you say "up" when you want us to put you down, too!). And you know a few signs -- "more" (which simply means food to you), and "milk."

But we've been working with you to learn more words, especially for some of your favorite things. You can now say "apple" with amazing clarity, "cracker" (although it sounds more like "ca-ca"), and "pr" for "prune." But there was one thing you kept doing that kind of stumped us for a while: you'd point at the ceiling and say "t" -- very aspirated, very clear, and very confusing to your parents. Eventually I figured it out, though -- you were saying "light." When we pronounce the word light for you, we exaggerate it greatly, saying "liii-tt" -- and you were hearing the final t and repeating that.

It will be interesting to see what you pick up next!
