Sunday, February 25, 2007

Giggles and Wiggles

Dear Vinny,

You have developed the most adorable belly laugh. I'd do just about anything to hear it. We play this fun new game where I kiss your belly and you grab my hair and laugh! It's totally worth getting my hair pulled.

You have not yet rolled over consistently or on purpose. Daddy reports that you have rolled over a couple of times, probably by accident. I've been trying to tempt you to roll over by putting interesting things near you but just out of reach, but so far no luck. Today I had Clement waiting for you and you easily rolled from your back to your side, but you were not interested in going any further than that. They say that easy-going babies are the last to roll over, because they're content with how things are going and have no incentive to shake things up. You are remarkably easy-going so I am not surprised that you are happy on your back.

We've had some success with our bedtime routine. There are still some nights that you are hard to parent to sleep, but you are getting used to winding down with the routine. You still love to be held but touching works too.

Over the past two weeks or so, you've become more aware of your surroundings. You seem to be developing a better understanding of the world. I think this also makes it harder for you to go to sleep, because you don't want to miss out on anything.

Mommy and Daddy love you more than ever!


Sunday, February 18, 2007

Fun and Games

Dear Vinny,

The majority if the time, you are a happy little boy. You love to play with Mommy and Daddy. Some of your favorite games with Mommy include grab parts of Mommy's face and upsy-downsy boy. I've already talked about the Mommy's face game, where you grab my face and I tell you what it is that you've grabbed. Upsy-downsy boy is a game we play while I'm sitting in a chair. First I hold you up with your feet on my shoulders and exclaim, "Upsy boy!" Then I bring you down to near the floor and exclaim, "Downsy boy!" Sometimes as you're transitioning between upsy and downsy positions I give you a kiss.

You enjoy playing Where's the toofer? with Daddy. In this game, Daddy is searching for the pair of teeth that have broken through your lower jaw, and he tickles you and engages in some silly antics until you can't help but giggle and show those teeth!

You are the cutest little boy ever, and we are so proud to be your parents!


Sunday, February 11, 2007

Adventures with Mommy

Dear Vinny,

On Tuesday after I got home from work, Daddy was so tired that he went upstairs and crashed into bed. You and I were left to our own devices. There was a rather large shopping list, some of which was important to get soon for you, so you and I went out on a shopping expidition.

I'd never taken you out by myself before. But it proved to be fun. We zoomed through the store, you in your baby carrier down in the basket of the shopping cart, me making funny faces at you when I wasn't occupied with looking for items or trying not to hit anything. At the checkout, an older, construction-worker type was in front of us. He seemed kind of tough and gruff until he turned around and took a look at you. Your big smile melted yet another heart!

On Thursday night, I decided to try feeding you rice cereal. I mixed the rice cereal and formula to the consistency that they said on the box was suitable for baby's first feeding. It turned out to be not much thicker than normal formula. But I fed it to you using a spoon anyhow. At first you didn't know what to make of eating off a spoon, but soon you and I both got the hang of it. I haven't had a chance to feed you solid food since then, but I think we might do it again tonight.

On Friday night, we went over to Tia and Uncle's house for dinner. You were the center of attention. Tia can't get enough of her nephew, and she is so excited about you that even her colleague Jennifer (who was also there for dinner) was entranced by you. She had seen all the pictures that Daddy takes of you, and she was really excited to meet you in person.

I had considered trying to put you in your crib in the other room to sleep. But, truthfully, I felt like that might be too sudden and scary right now. So you are still sleeping with Mommy and Daddy. The past two nights you have slept through very well. I have gotten pretty good, restful nights. For a few nights before that, you were hard to get to fall asleep. At your Aunt Rachel's suggestion, we have started a nighttime routine, in which you and I read a few books, then we rock in the rocking chair as I sing to you, and then we go to bed. You really like to be held all night, but I discovered last night that just making sure that our bodies touched all night long worked just fine. So my arm is not as sore as it was yesterday.

Some people think that co-sleeping is a bad idea, but I think it is wonderful for the whole family. Someday you will outgrow the need to sleep with Mommy and Daddy, and that is just fine. In the meantime, we are enjoying it while we can.


Monday, February 05, 2007

Four Months!

Dear Vinny,

Today you are four months old. You had your four-month checkup at the pediatrician today. Dr. Stephens seemed really happy to see you. I guess she is getting to know you better now. She said that you are about average on weight (15 lbs), but in the 80th percentile in height and 90th percentile in head size. I guess that shows how much brain power you have!

She also told us that we can start feeding you a little bit of very runny rice cereal. I know you are ready for that. Every time we eat in front of you, you are fascinated. Your eyes follow our forks on their trips from the plate to the mouth and back. So I am looking forward to you getting a chance to eat some food yourself. I'm just sorry that it's going to be such dull food. But in time, you will eat just like Mommy and Daddy.

The doctor continues to be amazed by your advanced head control skill. It is pretty amazing to watch you. You can now lie on your tummy and hold your head up, and sometimes you roll over, but I'd say that's a skill you still need to master. But it is just a matter of time before you do.

You also had your immunizations today, four shots and one oral, and while you were pretty unhappy about them, it was nothing like last time. The nurse who administered them today was much gentler than the other nurse was.

I still love to play with you every night when I come home from work. You brighten up my day with your huge smile, which is so big that it's like your tongue is falling out, as Daddy puts it. I have a picture of you cheesing for the camera as the background on my computer, and every time I look at it I can't help but grin myself!


Saturday, February 03, 2007

News Alert!

Dear Vinny,

Today I felt in your mouth and felt a very sharp tooth prodruding from your lower left gum. Congratulations! All that pain was worth something!

You have a cold, unfortunately. We suctioned a lot of snot out of your nose this morning. Then today Daddy and I washed you in some soap recommended by your Aunt Rhonda, with eucalyptus and stuff to help clear your head.

Congratulations, sweet potato, on your new tooth!


Thursday, February 01, 2007

Rock and Roll!

Dear Vinny,

This past weekend, I put you down on your back while I went to the bathroom, and when I came back, you had rolled to your side! Then Daddy put you on your tummy on Monday and Tuesday for tummy time, and you rolled onto your back. You are moving more and more. Your mommy and daddy are going to have to babyproof the house soon. Before we know it, you'll be walking!

You've had a little cold lately, so Daddy took you to the doctor today. She said your ears were fine but you have a sore throat. She didn't think it was strep, though. When you go in next week for your shots she'll check you again. She also remarked that your teeth should be coming through soon, and you are about a month ahead of most babies in terms of development.

As always you are a beautiful baby and we are very proud of you!
