Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Telephone Conversation

Dear Vinny,

Yesterday, you and I had a rather lengthy telephone conversation.  I had called Daddy on his cellphone to see if I could pick anything up from the grocery store, but you two were already at the grocery store at that time.  Daddy let you answer the phone, and we had the following conversation:

[Phone Rings]
Vinny: Hi, mama!
Mama: Hey Vinny, whatcha doin'?
Vinny: I'm at Kroger!
Mama: You are?
Vinny: I see fans!
Mama: You do?  What else do you see?
Vinny: I see apples, grapes, pears...
Mama: Wow.  Lots of fruit.  Are you in the produce section?
Vinny: I see blinking lights!
Mama: Blinking lights!  Wow!
Vinny: Hey mama, I go playground today!
Mama: You went to the playground today?  Did you have fun?
Vinny: Uh huh!  I play playground.
Mama: Wow, sounds like fun.
Vinny: I see crackers!
Mama: That's fantastic.  Say, is Daddy there?
Vinny: Yup.
Mama: Can I talk to Daddy for a minute, please?
Vinny: I don't think so!  I see bagels!
Mama: ... Wow, bagels!  Can you give the phone to Daddy for just a second, please?
Vinny: Uh uh.  I don't think so.  I see fan!

It went on like this for several more minutes until Daddy finally wrestled the phone from your grasp.  I did enjoy the conversation, though!
