Friday, October 22, 2010

Visit from Grandma and Grandpa

Dear Vinny,

Grandma and Grandpa came for a visit on Saturday.  They got here in the afternoon and we had fun talking to and playing with them.  Then we all went out for dinner at a super good Chinese buffet.  We came home and had some cake (chocolate zuh-cake, made in the Dora the Explorer cake mold but not decorated like last time) and then you opened your presents from Grandma and Grandpa, which included books about pumpkins, trees, and insects, and some actual insect specimens preserved in acrylic blocks.  They also got you some new clothes, which you weren't quite as enthusiastic about as the other stuff.

The next morning, we ate Special Oatmeal (oatmeal slow-cooked overnight in the crock pot) before going on a hike with Grandma and Grandpa on one of the local greenways.  You walked quite far -- the hike was almost four miles and you walked the majority of it, always on the lookout for the "hiking boys" (little placards nailed to the trees to help you navigate the path).

You had a blast with Grandma and Grandpa and were sad to see them go.  But you have decided to stay with them next month when Mama and Daddy go to New Orleans, so you'll see them again soon.


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