Sunday, October 24, 2010

More Birthday Celebrations

Dear Vinny,

Yesterday we had your big birthday party for your friends.  You wanted it to be held at the children's museum, just like last year.  So we did.  There were about twenty kids at the party.

We had pizza, beverages, cake, and ice cream for the guests.  Everybody had a good time at the party.  You received a lot of nice presents from your guests.

At the end of the party, Granny and Granddad arrived, and also, the fire alarm went off and we had to evacuate the building.  You got to see the fire trucks, which was pretty exciting, and you spent most of the time we were evacuated out on the playground.

After we were done cleaning up from the party, we went home.  We took Granny and Granddad to the same Chinese buffet we went to last weekend with Grandma and Grandpa, and they liked it a lot too.  Then we came home and you got your gifts from Granny and Granddad, which included a Buzz Lightyear, Woody, and the horse from Toy Story, all of which you really enjoyed.

Today, you and Daddy went to visit Aunt Mary and Uncle Wayne with Granny and Granddad, while I stayed home.  I think you are having a good time with them!


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