Saturday, May 05, 2007

Seven Months!

Dear Vinny,

Today you are seven months old. It is amazing to think about how tiny you were when you were born, compared to your size now. You weren't even eight pounds seven months ago, yet you must be over twenty by now!

On Friday, Daddy fed you some prunes for the first time. You loved them! You grabbed the spoon out of Daddy's hand and made quite a mess with the prunes. We are still finding prunes everywhere on you, from that time and from the day after, when I fed you some more prunes. There's a smudge of prunes behind your ear, and on the calf of your leg, and on your right eyelid... prunes everywhere!

Your top four teeth are all coming in at once. I'm not sure why they all decided to come in at the same time, but they've broken through the gums, finally. You are also getting better and better at sitting up on your own. Your balance is improving and you haven't done any face plants recently.

We continue to enjoy watching you grow and change. I love you, little boy!


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