Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Party Weekend

Dear Vinny,

This past weekend, you were very busy. As I said before, Saturday was busy with Amelia's birthday and going out to dinner with Tia and Uncle. But then, on Sunday, we went for a pool party with Amelia and her family. Amelia's grandma had a wading pool, which she filled with water. At first, you were unhappy about the pool, because you thought it was a bath. But I gradually got you accustomed to it, and by the end you were content to be sitting in the pool all on your own.

After your swim, we sat in the neighbor's screened-in porch and had some dinner. You fell asleep on my lap. Amelia's parents were amazed that you would just fall asleep like that.

You continue to be a happy and adorable baby, and Mommy and Daddy love you so much!


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