Sunday, March 09, 2008

Seventeen Months!

Dear Vinny,

You turned seventeen months old on Wednesday! It is hard to believe that you are getting to be such a big boy but I guess time has a way of passing without us noticing.

You're still not walking regularly but you did take eight steps or so last night when we were at Tia's house. It seems that the trick is for there to be something so fascinating at eye level that you can't take your eyes off it while you're heading towards it.

We've started seating you at the table for meals, in a booster seat attached to a chair. You enjoy being part of the action like that. We have a laminated Sesame Street placemat for you, which we place on top of the tablecloth. We feed you the same food that we eat, and you enjoy it a lot. You've learned the word "hot" and when we put your food on the table, you often ask whether it's hot.

You've learned a lot more body parts: you know your teeth and you actually say the word teeth fairly often. You've begun to use the word "no" even more -- even sometimes when I don't think you mean it. You've started to say it very dramatically.

I'm looking forward to seeing what else you learn in the next month!


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