Friday, March 28, 2008

Vinny's Vocabulary

Dear Vinny,

Your vocabulary is expanding all the time. Daddy has worked with you to teach you to say "down" when you want down, rather than "up" -- a word which, to you, indicated bidirectional motion. You are also beginning to differentiate between milk and juice. (Previously, milk meant all liquids, whereas now, milk means milk, and juice means juice, but also soup.) You think that all round fruit that's not citrus is probably an apple. I've tried to teach you the word "pear" but I don't think you've differentiated those fruits just yet. You've learned the difference between a cat and a dog, although it's not clear which word you will choose for animals that are neither cats nor dogs. You still call dogs "oofs," and you also call cats by the sound they make, which sounds kind of like "mnow."

You say the numbers one through five, although not in any particular order so I don't think you really understand what they mean. You've strung some words together into sentences -- the first one was a couple of weeks ago when you said "Milk all gone. More milk?" (phonetically, it was more like "k gagang. Mo k?") I got you some more milk after that accomplishment!

Daddy has always joked around about your "cheesy feet." He says that your feet smell like cheese. He has (inadvertently?) trained you to lift your foot to his nose when he says the words "cheesy feet." Daddy likes to horse around with you a lot. He has found that you are very ticklish in your armpit and on your chest. You laugh that deep belly laugh when he tickles you, and I know that you enjoy it very much.

You are becoming more dramatic in your use of the word "no." Now, you sometimes scream it in agony when cruel Mommy and Daddy are wiping your face with a wet washcloth or changing your diaper. It's kind of hard to keep from chuckling when you do that!


Monday, March 24, 2008

Travel to Virginia

Dear Vinny,

This past weekend we traveled to Virginia for Aunt Laura's dissertation defense. We left on Thursday, arriving at Aunt Laura's in time for dinner. You were a little bit fussy in the car, but not too bad. It can't be much fun to be all cooped up in that seat for six hours.

Aunt Anne's mother graciously let us stay at her house. She has a dog called Daisy, a young golden retriever, whom you really enjoyed. Daisy would lick your fingers and you would laugh and laugh that belly laugh of yours. It was so fun to watch you!

On Friday, Aunt Laura held an informal colloquium about her research. You lasted for about 10-15 minutes of it, which is pretty good, but Daddy took you out after that because you were fast becoming the center of attention. You're far more interesting than an esoteric discussion of ethics, no offense to Aunt Laura!

On Saturday, we went to a park and cooked out for breakfast. It was a little cold, but I think you enjoyed your first-ever taste of pancakes with maple syrup. That afternoon, Aunt Laura held a party to celebrate her successful defense. You attended the party and charmed everyone who saw you. That evening, you stayed with Aunt Anne's mother while Daddy, Aunt Rachel, Aunt Laura, Aunt Anne, and I went to a play.

On Sunday, we had a nice Easter dinner with Aunt Anne's family. You woke up from your nap at the very end of it and got a chance to enjoy some delicious corn pudding, spinach, and turkey breast. For breakfast, you'd had a biscuit with jam for the first time. You found that to be incredibly delicious, and gave me a look that seemed to ask why I had hidden this delicacy from you for so long.

You won the hearts of everybody who saw you. Aunt Rachel and Aunt Laura hadn't seen you since the summer, so they were very happy to see you again. You'd never met Aunt Anne before, but you both seemed to be happy to be together. Aunt Anne's mother enjoyed you so much that she said we had to bring you back to visit her again. Maybe we will!


Saturday, March 15, 2008

Trip to Atlanta

Dear Vinny,

This past week, we took a trip to Atlanta. Mommy had a conference there, and you and Daddy came along so that you could explore the city.

You and Daddy got a chance to go to the Children's Museum and the Olympic Park. Daddy said you had a good time at the museum, although you did eat some sand while you were there! He told me that you really enjoyed the park, too.

We had planned to stay in Atlanta and do some fun stuff on Saturday, such as go the aquarium or the zoo, but unfortunately there were some tornadoes there so we wisely decided to come home early. That park you had so enjoyed was heavily damaged by the tornadoes! So it was good that we left. I'm sure there will be another time that you'll get a chance to go to Atlanta.


Sunday, March 09, 2008

Seventeen Months!

Dear Vinny,

You turned seventeen months old on Wednesday! It is hard to believe that you are getting to be such a big boy but I guess time has a way of passing without us noticing.

You're still not walking regularly but you did take eight steps or so last night when we were at Tia's house. It seems that the trick is for there to be something so fascinating at eye level that you can't take your eyes off it while you're heading towards it.

We've started seating you at the table for meals, in a booster seat attached to a chair. You enjoy being part of the action like that. We have a laminated Sesame Street placemat for you, which we place on top of the tablecloth. We feed you the same food that we eat, and you enjoy it a lot. You've learned the word "hot" and when we put your food on the table, you often ask whether it's hot.

You've learned a lot more body parts: you know your teeth and you actually say the word teeth fairly often. You've begun to use the word "no" even more -- even sometimes when I don't think you mean it. You've started to say it very dramatically.

I'm looking forward to seeing what else you learn in the next month!
