Friday, November 23, 2007

Thanksgiving Day

Dear Vinny,

On Thursday, Tia and Uncle came over for Thanksgiving dinner. But it was a long day for you before that, because Mommy and Daddy had to cook for the dinner and didn't have a lot of time to spend with you. Also, you were teething and we hadn't quite realized it. The pain of teething made you extra clingy.

You spent most of the morning and early afternoon in the kitchen with me. You stood at my feet, balancing yourself by holding on to my legs. Sometimes, you would demand to be picked up, so I would hold you in one arm and cook with the other. I made the corn pudding entirely one-handed while holding you.

But when I tried to put you down for a pre-dinner nap, you got really upset. When I went back in to calm you down, I observed how much you were chewing on your binky, and realized that you were teething. So I gave you some ibuprofen, and Daddy put the orajel on your gums, and then you were okay.

Tia and Uncle were really happy to see you, and they spent some time with you while Mommy and Daddy finished up the last steps of the dinner. For dinner, you had some bananas, some mashed potatoes, and some sweet potatoes. You played with Tia after dinner, but we put you to bed early because you were very tired after going napless all day. You slept for a while, but then you woke up screaming from the tooth pain. Daddy calmed you down and administered the proper medication before putting you back to bed.

It was a very enjoyable Thanksgiving and I'm glad you were there to share it with us!


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