Monday, February 05, 2007

Four Months!

Dear Vinny,

Today you are four months old. You had your four-month checkup at the pediatrician today. Dr. Stephens seemed really happy to see you. I guess she is getting to know you better now. She said that you are about average on weight (15 lbs), but in the 80th percentile in height and 90th percentile in head size. I guess that shows how much brain power you have!

She also told us that we can start feeding you a little bit of very runny rice cereal. I know you are ready for that. Every time we eat in front of you, you are fascinated. Your eyes follow our forks on their trips from the plate to the mouth and back. So I am looking forward to you getting a chance to eat some food yourself. I'm just sorry that it's going to be such dull food. But in time, you will eat just like Mommy and Daddy.

The doctor continues to be amazed by your advanced head control skill. It is pretty amazing to watch you. You can now lie on your tummy and hold your head up, and sometimes you roll over, but I'd say that's a skill you still need to master. But it is just a matter of time before you do.

You also had your immunizations today, four shots and one oral, and while you were pretty unhappy about them, it was nothing like last time. The nurse who administered them today was much gentler than the other nurse was.

I still love to play with you every night when I come home from work. You brighten up my day with your huge smile, which is so big that it's like your tongue is falling out, as Daddy puts it. I have a picture of you cheesing for the camera as the background on my computer, and every time I look at it I can't help but grin myself!


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