Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Dear Vinny,

We shared Thanksgiving dinner with the neighbor and her family. She invited us over for dinner at the beginning of the month too, but I don't think you remember that because you slept pretty much the whole time! Anyhow, we were once again at the table with Ann, her daughter Katie and son-in-law Joe, and their kids Bert and Amelia, and joined for the first time by Ann's son Quentin. The dinner was delicious and a good time was had by all. This time Daddy and I had to eat in shifts because you were awake and fussy if we put you down.

Amelia is just a couple of months older than you. Right now that is a big difference (developmentally speaking) but I think as time goes on you may become friends and playmates.

It is good to have such nice neighbors and I hope that we continue to see them.


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