Dear Vinny,
You are really interested in everything that Mama and Daddy do, and cooking is no exception. Obviously, you can't yet use the stove or cut things up or anything, but I give you some age-appropriate tasks to do.
Today, you stood on a chair in the kitchen and helped me make breakfast: pancakes, scrambled eggs, and sausage. I measured out the flour but let you help me dump it into the bowl. You're really fascinated by eggs so I let you keep your hand on the egg while I broke it into the bowl, and then you whisked the scrambled eggs and also the eggs that went into the pancakes. You did a remarkably good job of it, too! I let you pull the wrapper off the butter and put the stick of butter into a cup to melt. You mixed the eggs and milk for the pancakes, too. And I let you help me mix the wet and dry ingredients for the pancakes.
I've stressed to you that the griddle is hot (or, as I've said it and you repeat, "HOT HOT HOT") and you haven't tried to touch it. While I'm making the pancakes, I make a few small ones for you to eat while we're cooking.
I usually try to involve you in my cooking if I can. Last week I made a crock pot stew and I let you help me put all the ingredients in the crock pot. I have also made rolls, cranberry bread, and chocolate chip-banana bread with you. You're very interested in cooking and I think that someday you will be an accomplished cook!