Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mothers Day

Dear Vinny,

We had a fun Mothers Day. I spent the morning playing with you. We got out some tinkertoys (hand-me-downs from your cousins), which you really enjoyed playing with. You could make things that went round and round -- what's not to love about that?

Daddy cooked me a special feast this afternoon, including steak, chicken, corn on the cob, and several other items. I made the dessert -- strawberry shortcakes. We ate outside on the deck -- it was a nice day (the first in over a week). It was nice to get a chance to enjoy some sunshine with our meal.

What a great, leisurely day with my boys!


Saturday, May 09, 2009

Amelia's Birthday

Dear Vinny,

Tonight we went next door to celebrate Amelia's third birthday.  You gave Amelia some flowers and a card.  She really enjoyed the flowers, and she gave you a big hug.  During the embrace, you exclaimed, "I love you, baby!"

You fell asleep during dinner but woke up to eat some birthday cake and ice cream.  You had a really fun time playing with Amelia and were sad to come home.  It's nice to have friends nearby like that!


Monday, May 04, 2009

Atlanta/Aunt Laura

Dear Vinny,

We are spending this week in Atlanta, where Mama has a conference. When I told you we were going to Atlanta, you were very excited -- overly excited, perhaps. You said, "I see Grandpa too?"

I then realized that you thought we were going to see Aunt Laura, not Atlanta. But I think you're having fun here anyway!


Thursday, April 23, 2009

Mother-Son Evening Out

Dear Vinny,

This evening Daddy was taking a watercolor course so you and I had an evening out on the town together.

We started by going to the "Pizza House" (as you call our local pizza buffet restaurant) for dinner, and they gave you a balloon. We saw an older woman there whom we recognized, sitting alone. I invited her to sit with us, and she did. I asked her about her past, and she told me she had a masters degree in mathematics, and that she'd worked as a programmer on my workplace's first supercomputer. I thought this was just about the coolest thing ever, and I asked her quite a few additional questions about her computing experience, and then told her a little about what things are like now.

After dinner, we went to play on the playground, but we didn't stay long because the sun was setting. We came home and it was soon time for bed. I tucked you in just before Daddy came home.


Saturday, April 18, 2009

Bedtime Routine

Dear Vinny,

I put you to bed just about every night (the exceptions being when I'm on travel or so exhausted that I crash early). We have a bedtime routine, in which we brush teeth, pee-pee in the potty, put on a diaper and a sleeper for the night, and then go in your room, read three books of your choosing while sitting in the rocking chair together, and then sing two songs of your choosing while you're lying in bed with the lights out, before I finally kiss you goodnight and leave.

For some reason, you feel obligated to tell Daddy that you brushed your teeth, so there's always that interlude in the routine where you shout to Daddy about brushing your teeth.

Sometimes, we read the same book three times. You go through phases of liking some books above the others, but some of your favorites include Goodnight Moon, On the Day You Were Born, Ten Minutes to Bedtime, and The Little Engine that Could. We get books every month courtesy of Granny, and also one book a month from Dolly Parton's Imagination Library. The Little Engine that Could was the first book we got from that program.

I used to sing you actual songs, but nowadays you request songs about various topics, such as sirens, the letter X, and Grandma Marvis. So unless I know a song that has that word in it (which is highly unlikely, since I know very few songs), I just make something up.

Finally, I give you a kiss and leave the room. Lately, we've started doing a funny little ritual where upon leaving, when I get to the foot of your bed, near the door, you say, "Another kiss!" and I go back and give you another kiss. It is the funniest thing ever, at least in the mind of a two-and-a-half-year-old.

You fall asleep pretty well, provided that I go downstairs immediately after putting you to bed, and wait for about an hour. Otherwise, you know I'm still there and I hear shouts of "Hey, Mama!"


Monday, April 13, 2009

Another Sad Occurrence

Dear Vinny,

Sadly, your other great-grandma, great-Grandma Laura, has also passed away.  She was over 100 years old!  It's nice that she was able to live such a long life, but I am sad to see her go.  She was the grandparent I felt the closest to when I was growing up, especially as a teenager.  I hope that your relationships with your four grandparents are similarly close and rewarding.


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Change over Time

Dear Vinny,

I was gone most of last week, and in that time you have grown tremendously.  You're bigger physically, but more striking is the way that your speaking ability has expanded.  Your sentences are more complete, and you're using articles.  This is something new in your development.  I never cease to be amazed by the big changes that take place over the short times that I am away!


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Telephone Conversation

Dear Vinny,

Yesterday, you and I had a rather lengthy telephone conversation.  I had called Daddy on his cellphone to see if I could pick anything up from the grocery store, but you two were already at the grocery store at that time.  Daddy let you answer the phone, and we had the following conversation:

[Phone Rings]
Vinny: Hi, mama!
Mama: Hey Vinny, whatcha doin'?
Vinny: I'm at Kroger!
Mama: You are?
Vinny: I see fans!
Mama: You do?  What else do you see?
Vinny: I see apples, grapes, pears...
Mama: Wow.  Lots of fruit.  Are you in the produce section?
Vinny: I see blinking lights!
Mama: Blinking lights!  Wow!
Vinny: Hey mama, I go playground today!
Mama: You went to the playground today?  Did you have fun?
Vinny: Uh huh!  I play playground.
Mama: Wow, sounds like fun.
Vinny: I see crackers!
Mama: That's fantastic.  Say, is Daddy there?
Vinny: Yup.
Mama: Can I talk to Daddy for a minute, please?
Vinny: I don't think so!  I see bagels!
Mama: ... Wow, bagels!  Can you give the phone to Daddy for just a second, please?
Vinny: Uh uh.  I don't think so.  I see fan!

It went on like this for several more minutes until Daddy finally wrestled the phone from your grasp.  I did enjoy the conversation, though!


Friday, February 27, 2009

Fun and Games

Dear Vinny,

You and Daddy have come up with a fun game, in which you sing,

Oh, I'd like to be (a/an) ____
Oh, I'd really like to be (a/an) ____
Because (a/an) ____ (does/has/goes) ____
For example, "I'd like to be a cow, because a cow goes moo" or "I'd like to be a tree, because a tree has branches." Generally you decide the subject of the verse, come up with the action of said subject, and then you and Daddy act it out.

Yesterday, you sang
Oh, I'd like to be Mama,
Oh, I'd really like to be Mama,
Because Mama goes "No, sir!", "Stop right there!", and "I missed you all day long!"
(At least one of the three is positive!)


Saturday, February 07, 2009

Sunny Saturday Afternoon

Dear Vinny,

Today was so beautiful that we had to get out and do something. After a week of below-freezing temperatures, today was sunny and warm and there was no excuse not to spend some time outdoors. So we went to the Museum of Appalachia, a 60-acre living history museum about the history of Appalachia.

They have a large collection of historical buildings brought in from across the region, and historical artifacts from the era. They also have a lot of animals, including sheep, turkeys, chickens, and peacocks. You enjoyed running around and looking at the animals and buildings. Unfortunately there were a lot of really interesting objects everywhere that you were not allowed to touch, which detracted from the experience for you somewhat.

But it was a lot of fun to get out and enjoy family time in the sunshine on a leisurely Saturday afternoon.


Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Potty Progress

Dear Vinny,

You have now pee-peed in the potty twice!  But more importantly, you're starting to recognize the signals from your body. Last week, during an evening bath, you told me you needed to pee, so I took you out of the bath to sit on the potty. Unfortunately, I didn't leave you on the toilet long enough, because you peed right after I put you back in the bath, but I was pleased that you seemed to know that you needed to pee. Similarly, on Saturday night you said you needed to go poo-poo, so I set you on the potty and a little tiny something came out. I was really proud of you for that.


Sunday, February 01, 2009


Dear Vinny,

We traveled to Evansville, Indiana last week under sad circumstances.  Sadly, your great-grandma Mary passed away the previous weekend, and we went to Evansville for her funeral.

We were staying in a hotel with a pool.  On Friday evening, I persuaded your Grandpa John to borrow some swim trunks from one of his brothers and help me take you on your first swim, in the hotel swimming pool. At first, you didn't quite know what to make of the swimming pool, so we just sat you on the side and let you kick and splash. But after you saw Grandpa get in the water, you decided to try it too. Mostly, Grandpa and I just held you and jumped up and down in the water. We also let you "swim" between us by passing you from person to person. You had the greatest time, and cried a lot when it was time to go. The next morning, you were asking to go swimming again. This tells me that I need to sign you and myself up for baby/parent swimming lessons!


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Important Breakthrough

Dear Vinny,

I am pleased to report that you pee-peed in the potty for the first time tonight.  It was just a tiny trickle, but it definitely happened!  I am so proud of you!


Saturday, January 17, 2009

Cooking with Chef Vinny

Dear Vinny,

You are really interested in everything that Mama and Daddy do, and cooking is no exception. Obviously, you can't yet use the stove or cut things up or anything, but I give you some age-appropriate tasks to do.

Today, you stood on a chair in the kitchen and helped me make breakfast: pancakes, scrambled eggs, and sausage. I measured out the flour but let you help me dump it into the bowl. You're really fascinated by eggs so I let you keep your hand on the egg while I broke it into the bowl, and then you whisked the scrambled eggs and also the eggs that went into the pancakes. You did a remarkably good job of it, too! I let you pull the wrapper off the butter and put the stick of butter into a cup to melt. You mixed the eggs and milk for the pancakes, too. And I let you help me mix the wet and dry ingredients for the pancakes.

I've stressed to you that the griddle is hot (or, as I've said it and you repeat, "HOT HOT HOT") and you haven't tried to touch it. While I'm making the pancakes, I make a few small ones for you to eat while we're cooking.

I usually try to involve you in my cooking if I can. Last week I made a crock pot stew and I let you help me put all the ingredients in the crock pot. I have also made rolls, cranberry bread, and chocolate chip-banana bread with you. You're very interested in cooking and I think that someday you will be an accomplished cook!


Monday, January 12, 2009

Big Boy Bed

Dear Vinny,

We set up your big boy bed on New Year's Day, and it has been quite a hit.  The first night, you slept quite soundly in it and I was so glad.  One problem is that it takes up more room than your crib/toddler bed, so we've had to clean out your room.

You spent Saturday afternoon and overnight until Sunday morning with Tia and Uncle, which gave Mama and Daddy some time to clean up your room.  Mama removed all the boxes of clothes that were too small for you, resorted the clothes, and put them away.  We still need to get some storage containers for your toys, to place in the closet where the boxes of clothes were.

A couple of nights ago, you were crying and calling for me in the middle of the night, so I went into your room and lay with you on your big boy bed.  I can say, it is pretty comfortable, so I understand why you like it.


Saturday, January 10, 2009

Fun Day Together

Dear Vinny,

Today, we went shopping together, to give Daddy a chance to take a nap. You really like to talk to people and you flirt with everyone you encounter. You also thanked the salesperson helping us, who remarked that you are very polite.

You are amazingly polite, and just about always thank people for giving you things. I suppose that's because Mama and Daddy always thank you and you've just picked it up from us.

Then, this evening you and I cooked dinner. You really love to cook. We whipped up some pancakes, sausage, and scrambled eggs. You helped me with the pancake batter and the scrambled eggs. We cooked 5.5 eggs because you were really excited about the eggs and I mistakenly allowed you to hold one. You then cracked it against the side of the bowl (just like Mama) and then crushed it in your hand (not like Mama).

Something else you love to do is to take the wrapper off the butter. I have to watch for pieces of wrapper that you might have missed.

I have to also be extremely vigilant the whole time we're in the kitchen together. You can get into things before I know what happened. But I do enjoy cooking with you nonetheless!


Sunday, January 04, 2009

Fun with Tia and Uncle

Dear Vinny,

You spent yesterday afternoon and all night at Tia and Uncle Adam's house. You had a great time with them!

Tia cooked you some quesadillas for dinner. You played a lot with Tia and Uncle's dog, Fox. You went to bed easily and when you woke up, the first thing you said to Tia was, "What a beautiful lamp!"

You had a great time and I hope you can spend another night with them soon!
